Does MyTopo produce hunting maps? Where can I get one?
MyTopo does produce Hunting Unit Maps and you may find them at:
MyTopo Hunt Area / GMU Maps provide the Western US public land hunter with 1:100,000 Bureau of Land Management base maps with State hunt area or GMU boundaries. The BLM maps include public land ownership boundaries and are a great intermediate-scale resource for scouting hunting areas, planning travel routes, and inspecting the terrain.
MyTopo Hunt Area Maps are printed on our durable, lightweight waterproof paper and folded for rugged field use.
Eastern Public Lands
Eastern public land maps combine our custom topographic maps and
aerial photos with boundaries for popular public lands, wildlife
management areas,
State lands, forests and parks. Please call 877-587-9004 to order these maps.
Do you offer GMU Hunting Maps in California?
No. We do not have the Hunting Unit Maps for California, mainly because the units are too large to fit on one map sheet. We do offer 7.5 minute US Topo maps in California. Find yours at: