About Our Maps
How Waterproof Are MyTopo Maps?
Do you sell digital images of your maps?
What is the difference between waterproof and laminated?
Can I Write on My Waterproof Map?
Does MyTopo produce hunting maps? Where can I get one?
Is there a legend on your maps? Where can I find topo maps symbols?
Are MyTopo map elevations in feet or meters? What is the contour inverval?
Do you offer Canadian topographic maps?
Does MyTopo offer maps (or photo images) outside of the U.S. and Canada?
Can I get a aerial/satellite image taken during winter (with leaves off?)
How do I get a more recent map? And what are US Topos?
What types of paper do you offer? What paper type is best for framing?
How do I fold a MyTopo map correctly?
Can 5 x 8 foot Maps be Folded?
Can I get a detailed topo map of a smaller area, like just a few acres?
Can I get a street map, ZIP code map, or map of an entire state?
What does "scale" mean on a printed map?
Can I get military maps at 1:50,000 scale, or maps at 1:100,000 or 1:250,000? How about MGRS grids?
Can I reprint or reproduce a map that I have ordered?
Why does the water (or land) color vary across my map or photo?
Why am I seeing a strange looking topo map in a swamp / marshy area?
Are your maps 3-Dimensional?
Why is my Canadian topo map in black and white?